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Yearbook Design

Mac Lab


Sometimes E207

Dates: September- June



Students in the Yearbook class are the leaders and decision-makers of the yearbook for Wilbur Cross High School. In Yearbook class students will complete the myriad of tasks to create a quality yearbook that reflects the pictorial history of the activities for the present school year. The following list is extensive, however, probably not inclusive.

· Develop a theme

· Design cover, end sheets and title page that reflect the theme

· Create master designs for each section

· Create a workable ladder

· Set up type specs and graphic elements for each section

· Determine story ideas

· Determine photo ideas

· Set up story and photo assignments

· Organize sale and distribution of book

· Sell advertising

· Finalize completed computer pages

· Establish and meet publication deadlines

· Edit pages

Students will use computer programs such as Adobe InDesign and PhotoShop, Herrf Jones Edesign program and Excel to complete the tasks. In addition they will learn how to use a digital camera with zoom lens and scanners.

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